[12/2、4] Analyzing analytics:How metrification of the audience is changing journalism;
第一場12/2(一) 12:10~14:00
●演講主題: 數據分析:閱聽人指標如何影響新聞
Analyzing analytics:How metrification of the audience is changing journalism
●報名網址: 2019年12月1日(日) 截止
The journalistic field is in the midst of transformation. This is largely fueled by economic and technological disruptions confronting journalists. Web analytics is an example of a disruptive technology that also has economic repercussions for news organizations. Digital newsrooms around the world have embraced web analytics—a collection of tools that allow journalists to monitor, collect, and analyze informationabout the audience and their online behavior. Such access to a wealth of information about the audience restructures not only the previous linear, top-down relationship between journalists and their audiences, but it also disrupts traditional journalistic routines that were originally meant to preserve editorial autonomy by shielding journalists from external influences, such as the audience. Such disruption is aggravated by the economic reality that journalists face, marked by shrinking newsroom sizes and declining readership numbers. Supplying what audiences want, instead of what they need, becomes more tempting and easier with web analytics. It is not that journalists are abandoning their news judgment to just provide what audiences want. What is happening is that journalists now, more than ever, have to reflect on the fragile balance between drawing traffic in order to survive and providing good journalism that is consistent with their normative roles. But confronted by a never-ending news cycle and an increasingly impatient and polygamous audience, journalists cannot consciously engage in such reflective processes for every single journalistic decision that they make.
The use of mixed-methods approach in new media studies:Fake news and digital journalism as examples
●報名網址: 2019年12月1日(日)截止
This workshop will focus on mixed-methods research in journalism studies. It will argue, and hopefully demonstrate, why mixed-method approaches to journalism research and fake news is important. While many researchers tend to specialize on a particular method, there are advantages in learning about different research methods as well as in marrying their strengths when appropriate. Through examples from my own research projects, I will share about how we can maximize mixed-methods research in journalism and fake news studies.
Edson C. Tandoc Jr.
Associate Professor,
Nanyang Technological University新加坡南洋理工大學黃金輝傳播與信息學院副教授
Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
Edson C. Tandoc Jr. (Ph.D., University of Missouri) is an Associate Professor at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He is also an Associate Editor of Digital Journalism, the Chair of the Newspaper and Online News Division (NOND) of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), and the incoming Secretary of the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication Association (ICA).
His research focuses on the sociology of message construction in the context of digital journalism. He has conducted studies on the construction of news and social media messages. His studies about influences on journalists have focused on the impact of journalistic roles, new technologies, and audience feedback on the various stages of the news gatekeeping process. For example, he has done some work on how journalists use web analytics in their news work and with what effects. This stream of research has led him to study journalism from the perspective of news consumers as well, investigating how readers make sense of critical incidents in journalism and take part in reconsidering journalistic norms and how changing news consumption patterns facilitate the spread of fake news.
He earned his undergraduate journalism degree from the University of the Philippines (Summa cum Laude) and his master of mass communication degree from the Nanyang Technological University, where he was awarded the Media Development Authority Award (top MMC graduate). He also worked as a newspaper journalist for six years prior to his doctoral studies.
Research Interests
media gatekeeping, journalism studies, web analytics, social media, fake news
Current Projects
• Assessing Social Media Literacy in Singapore
• Defining, Determining, and Dealing with Deliberate Online Falsehoods in Singapore
• Diffusion of News in an Age of Personal and Portable Interactive Devices
• Displacing the media displacement hypothesis: Are social media displacing traditional sources of news? Evidence from Singapore
• Fake vs. fact: The rise of fact-checking in Asia
• From Print to Digital: Re-Defining Narrativity for Interactive Digital Media
• Is Correction Fluid? How to Make Fact-Checks On WhatsApp More Effective
• PONdER: Public Opinion of Nuclear Energy
Selected Publications
• Tandoc, E., Ling, R., Westlund, O., Duffy, A., Goh, D., & Lim, Z. W. (2018). Audiences’ acts of authentication in the age of fake news: A conceptual framework. New Media and Society, 20(8), 2745–2763.
• Tandoc, E & Maitra, J. (2018). News organizations’ use of Native Videos on Facebook: Tweaking the journalistic field one algorithm change at a time. New Media & Society, 20(5), 1679–1696.
• Tandoc, E. (2018). 5 ways BuzzFeed is preserving (or transforming) the journalistic field. Journalism, 19(2), 200-216.
• Tandoc, E., Lim, Z., & Ling, R. (2018). Defining “fake news:" A typology of scholarly definitions. Digital Journalism, 6(2), 137-153.
• Tandoc, E. (2018). Tell me who your sources are: Perceptions of news credibility on social media. Journalism Practice, Online First.